Thursday, 21 February 2019

Hubris, continued

It is hubris that gives men belief that they are in control. It causes them to subjugate other men, other animals, and to lay claim to land and resources.

Hubris makes men invent religions that elevate them above other living beings. Their faith is misplaced.

In a very short time historically, hubris has enabled humanity to radically alter the Earth's climate and ecology with catastrophic effect on its own chances of survival as a species.

Hubris has caused humanity to commit ecocide on plants and animals, land and oceans, life-forms central to planetary health.

Only on recognizing this fatal flaw of hubris can humanity reverse the course towards calamity. Species diversity, ecosystem health, resource wealth must be protected from further deterioration.

Like the human body, the Earth is a living system, a complex web of inter-related organs, cells, networks, molecules, bacteria, flows, nodes, pressure-points. Like a cancerous disease, hubris has facilitated a sustained and terminal attack on the foundations of overall planetary health. Unless checked, it will continue to cause the depletion and shutdown of life support systems.

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