Monday, 12 February 2018

Forge A New Path

Minimize stress. Do not obsess about what ails us, harms us, confronts us. Let go of the shackles, the ties that bind. Stasis, the status quo will grind you down.

Rebel. Strike out in a new direction, on your chosen path. The way will reveal itself. Leave your baggage behind. Become unstuck, no longer trapped.

Make a plan. Follow it in stages, one day at a time. Do not sweat the small stuff. Dream the big picture.

Make hard choices. Clear the path. Forge the future. Act resiliently. Be ruthless.

Act. Do it, before it is too late. *Tempus fugit. Carpe diem.* Seize the moment. Gain momentum. Take a leap. Be brave.

Follow your heart, your deepest desires, your innermost passions. Connect with others in love, joy, community, sharing. 

Care for family and friends, those near and dear. Lean on others for support. Nurture heart-felt relationships.

Honour life in all its guises. Practise tolerance, respect. Do not yield to fear, frustration, hatred, or to those that harm you. Walk away from them.

You are alive. You owe it to yourself. Stride confidently, with firm resolve, into a future you create. Live the life you envisage.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

In A Bubble

So many live in a bubble, trapped in their small worlds and narrow, shallow minds.

What do they really grasp of geopolitical endgames, false-flag framings, governmental machinations, corporate power, media bias, political posturing, elitist control, military manipulation, universal greed and abuse perpetrated by those empowered?

They scan headlines, pontificate, prognosticate, post commentary, shoot from the hip, passing judgement based on learned behaviour or perspective. Black or white, left or right, right or wrong, true or false.

What do they understand of true suffering, grinding poverty, gnawing hunger, blood, sweat and tears prompting lifetimes of oppression, segregation, alienation, displacement, colonization, tyranny, war, genocide?

Only what they have read in distorted histories, blinkered accounts, political oratory, by sleight of hand, what they have been told and led to believe. 

No doubts, no questioning, no intellectual discernment, no moral scepticism, suckered in by the cult of personality, charisma, hyperbole, rhetoric.

What do they truly understand of others, not of their tribe, of their proud cultures, tortured past, collective resilience, living traditions, simple grace, community spirit in the face of perpetual onslaught?

Burst the bubble and find people bound together in dread, in hope, in pride, in beauty, in toil, in love, in scratching out a living in humility, in solidarity, outside the bubble.

The bubblers are babblers, screamers, spouters, scare-mongerers, knee-jerkers, trumpeters preaching bigotry, misogyny, jingoism, xenophobia, intolerance with closed minds and cold hearts.

Without love, insight, and compassion, they are destined to remain entrenched against life, forgiveness, acceptance, inclusion, destined too to forever repeat the wretched barbarities and treacheries of history.